Contemporary Carafe 1 Litre
The 1ltr (35oz) contemporary Carafe has a beautiful and elegant design. It is a great value product that will suit a variety of venues providing the extra touch and creating the ideal ambience.
It is an annealed soda-lime glass product that is excellent value with a quality finish. It has been specially designed to withstand the rigours of the foodservice and hospitality trade, including automatic glass washers found widely in most businesses.
It is perfect for those looking for good value and its stylish finish will suit a variety of venues.
It is an annealed soda-lime glass product that is excellent value with a quality finish. It has been specially designed to withstand the rigours of the foodservice and hospitality trade, including automatic glass washers found widely in most businesses.
It is perfect for those looking for good value and its stylish finish will suit a variety of venues.